About us

We are an interdisciplinary firm of lawyers and accountants, dedicated to providing tailored legal, corporate, and administrative solutions.

The extensive expertise and high quality of our professionals enable us to offer bespoke assistance, with a focus on client details, needs, and goals.

Our team


Chartered Accountant and Auditor. A specialist in tax and corporate consultancy, Alessandro Atzeni has acquired substantial and diverse experience serving on the Boards of Statutory Auditors for national and international companies across multiple sectors. He advises Italian and foreign groups, companies, and investors on matters related to incorporation, business development, economic and financial interests, or asset reorganisation. This includes handling extraordinary transactions such as incorporations, contributions, mergers, demergers, and company and shareholding sales. He is an independent Director and company liquidator. With his training and experience, he approaches matters with an interdisciplinary perspective.

Alessandro Atzeni


Chartered Accountant. Emanuele Basilico has gained specialised experience in company valuation, and in preparing business and multi-year strategic plans. He provides consultancy in administrative, tax, corporate, and management control matters.

Emanuele Basilico


Court of Cassation lawyer. From the start of his career, Gianfranco Benvenuto has specialised in corporate issues and business crises, providing advisory services in corporate restructuring related to M&A transactions. Since 1990, he has worked with the bankruptcy section of the Court of Milan as a lawyer, bankruptcy trustee, and judicial commissioner in creditor arrangements. He authored several articles in specialised journals and regularly delivers courses and lectures on business crises and civil insolvency. Additionally, he serves on the bankruptcy proceedings commission of the Milan Bar Association and acts as an external observer for the equivalent commission of the ODCEC Milan.

Gianfranco Benvenuto


Lawyer. Specialising in Intellectual Property, Marco Botteghi provides legal advice and assistance on matters related to national and international trademarks, patents, designs, plant variety rights, copyright, knowledge, unfair competition, and contracts. He regularly speaks at seminars and specialised courses on Intellectual Property and new technology law. He is the author of "La tutela del Brand: Case Studies nel settore Agrifood", (Brand Protection - Case Studies in the Agrifood Sector), published by Key Editore in 2023, and has contributed case notes and articles to Il Diritto Industriale and Quotidiano Giuridico. He is fluent in Italian, English, and Spanish, and is a member of AIPPI, AIGA, and ELSA.

Marco Botteghi


Court of Cassation lawyer. Paola Bottini has worked in the judicial arena, specialising in family and inheritance law. She has gained substantial expertise in corporate, commercial, and insolvency law. Throughout her career, she has participated in several arbitration proceedings as a legal representative and a member of the Arbitration Board and has represented clients before sports justice bodies.

Paola Bottini


Lawyer registered with the Milan Bar Association. After graduating from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in 2019 and gaining initial experience at another law firm, Vikram Bressan joined Studio Atax&Legal in 2024, where he specialises in corporate crises, assisting companies facing recovery processes. In 2024, he obtained a Master’s degree from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in crisis, insolvency, and over-indebtedness.

Vikram Bressan


Lawyer. Grazia Cancelliere serves as a Trustee in Bankruptcy and Sales Delegate at the Court of Milan. Her work focuses on corporate crisis and over-indebtedness procedures, particularly within the banking and insurance sectors. She gained experience in commercial, insolvency law, and enforcement proceedings.

Grazia Cancelliere


Court of Cassation lawyer. Formerly a FTCC partner, Filippo Canu has been leading the Atax&Legal intellectual property department since 2024. He specialises in industrial and intellectual property law, along with related areas such as competition, advertising, and commercial communication law. Canu provides legal advice and representation, including litigation, on matters related to trademarks, patents, designs, domain names, copyrights, unfair competition, advertising and commercial communication law. He assists in IP-related aspects of extraordinary transactions. Filippo Canu often participates as a speaker or lecturer at conferences, courses, and postgraduate Master’s programmes. He is fluent in Italian, English, and French and is a member of AIPPI, LES, and INTA.

Filippo Canu


Chartered Accountant and Auditor. An expert in tax and corporate consulting, Davide Cantù possesses extensive expertise in direct and indirect taxation for businesses and individuals. He provides corporate consultancy services and oversees intricate corporate administrative processes across diverse sectors. Cantù advises industrial groups, companies, international law firms, and service companies, adopting an interdisciplinary approach. He handles extraordinary transactions, such as divestments, mergers, transfers, and liquidations. Cantù holds positions on Boards of Statutory Auditors and performs audits.

Davide Cantù


Economics and Commerce student at the University of Pisa. Giacomo Casini focuses on ordinary corporate taxation, providing tax, corporate, and accounting consultancy, and individual taxation services.

Giacomo Casini


Lawyer. Lara Cazzola has extensive experience in civil, commercial, and intellectual property law. She specialises exclusively in litigation and consultancy related to trademarks, domain names, designs, licence agreements, and the transfer of IP assets. She handles filing and prosecution, including trademark and design filings, responses to objections, official actions, oppositions, and renewals, in Italy and abroad.

Lara Cazzola


Chartered Accountant and Auditor. Mirella Del Panta is an Atax Of Counsel, mainly working in administrative, tax, and corporate consultancy. She has extensive experience in supervisory activities, serving as a member of the Board of Statutory Auditors for major national and international, public and private groups.

Mirella Del Panta


Raffaele Esposito, a graduate in Economics from the University of Salerno, holds Master's degrees in Economics, Finance, and Risk Management, Tax Law, and International Taxation from the 24ORE Business School. He specialises in ordinary corporate taxation, offering consultancy in tax, corporate, and accounting matters, and conducting due diligence and tax audits.

Raffaele Esposito


Chartered Accountant and Auditor. Luigino Ferrari is an Atax Of Counsel, expert in tax and corporate consultancy with extensive experience working with major national and international corporate groups. He assists companies during start-up or reorganisation phases through extraordinary transactions. Ferrari serves on Boards of Statutory Auditors and acts as an External Auditor. Throughout his career, he has developed specific expertise in corporate crises and their prevention, holding roles as a Bankruptcy Receiver, Commissioner, and Judicial Liquidator in creditor arrangements. He has significant experience in tax consultancy for agricultural enterprises.

Luigino Ferrari


Chartered Accountant. Francesco Fiorillo works in administrative, tax, corporate consultancy, and insolvency procedures.

Francesco Fiorillo


Lawyer registered with the Milan Bar Association since 2019. For 11 years, Giulia Greco practised law concurrently at two leading law firms specialising in commercial, insolvency, and banking law, with offices in Milan, Turin, Rome, and Catania. Committed to business protection, she successfully completed the Business Lawyers course at Bocconi University in Milan in 2021. An expert in commercial law, Greco has been with the firm Benvenuto Associati since 2022, focusing on corporate litigation.

Giulia Greco


Chartered Accountant and Auditor. Cristina Gualandris provides tax advisory services to companies and individuals. She assists companies with national and international administrative, tax, and corporate matters. Gualandris plays a key role in the internationalisation processes of Italian companies and supports foreign entrepreneurs operating in Italy. She holds positions on Boards of Statutory Auditors.

Cristina Gualandris


Lawyer. Elisabetta Mascetti worked in administrative and tax law before shifting her focus to civil law. She has extensive legal knowledge and adaptability, demonstrating a remarkable skill to swiftly identify the most effective solutions in the client’s interest. She handles company crises and over-indebtedness cases.

Elisabetta Mascetti


Lawyer and Court of Cassation lawyer. Stefano Meani started his legal career under the mentorship of Prof. Vincenzo Mariconda, focusing on civil and commercial law. He later specialised in international law, gaining experience through various practice periods abroad. He authored several scholarly articles and has been listed as an Expert for Internationalisation (contracts) with Unioncamere Lombardy for several years. Since 2019, he has been included in the Teachers’ Register of the New Institute of International Business of Promos Italia.

Stefano Meani


Certified Accountant and Auditor. Luigi Moranduzzo has extensive experience in tax, corporate, and administrative consultancy. He oversaw valuations of companies, assets, and extraordinary transactions. Moranduzzo holds positions on Boards of statutory Auditors and Boards of Directors. Recently, he has gained specialised expertise in addressing corporate crises and their prevention, acting as a judicial liquidator in creditor arrangements. He is well-versed in the dynamics of start-ups and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Luigi Moranduzzo


Court of Cassation lawyer. Guido Patarnello specialises in insurance and franchising law. He was a pioneer in the field of over-indebtedness and now serves as legal counsel for a banking institution and a financial company, overseeing judicial and extrajudicial proceedings related to these issues. With the enactment of the Corporate Crisis Code, he is engaged in the new crisis procedures.

Guido Patarnello


Chartered Accountant and Auditor. Pierpaolo Pescarmona, an expert in corporate administrative processes and taxation, aids in structuring, launching, and reorganising administrative systems. He designs and coordinates corporate monitoring systems to prevent and manage corporate crises. He advises and supports corporate governance in ordinary, extraordinary, and restructuring activities, and in dealings with credit institutions. Pescarmona holds positions as Statutory Auditor, Director, and Liquidator.

Pierpaolo Pescarmona


Chartered Accountant. Ripoli has experience in IAS and IFRS financial statements. He is an expert in ICT and operating systems related to complex corporate administrative processes. From the beginning of his career, he has been engaged in administrative and tax consultancy for companies, gathering substantial experience in administrative, tax, and corporate matters.

Domenico Ripoli


Chartered Accountant and Auditor. He provides tax advisory services to companies and individuals. Marco Torlasco has gained specialised experience in company valuation, and in preparing business and multi-year strategic plans. He provides consultancy in administrative, tax, corporate, and management control matters, and conducts audits.

Marco Torlasco


Federico Ucciardo holds a Bachelor’s degree in economics and commerce from the Milano-Bicocca University and nearly completed a Master's degree in Administration, Control, and Profession from the University of Eastern Piedmont, with a thesis in Statistics entitled Statistical Methods for Auditing. He focuses on ordinary corporate taxation, providing tax, corporate, and accounting consultancy, and individual taxation services.

Federico Ucciardo


Chartered Accountant and Auditor. Alessandro Udardi assists companies with corporate and tax compliance matters, focusing on VAT and group taxation, and the procedures necessary for ensuring corporate compliance. He gained significant experience across different sectors, including pharmaceuticals, transport, and renewable energy. He is a consultant in economic and financial planning, supporting recovery projects for companies facing crisis.

Alessandro Udardi


Certified Accountant and Auditor. Enza Venditto specialises in national taxation, focusing on indirect taxation and VAT transactions involving foreign countries. She supports companies in navigating corporate administrative processes across various sectors. Venditto provides administrative, tax, and corporate consultancy services, and holds positions on Boards of Statutory Auditors. She developed substantial experience in administrative, tax, and corporate matters.

Enza Venditto

Garantiamo risultati eccellenti
offrendo soluzioni legali e contabili integrate.

In friendship with

Atax&Legal benefits from partnerships with leading international partners.
Crowe Bompani is part of one of the ten largest global consultancy networks, with a presence in 150 countries and a history spanning nearly 100 years. 
Crowe Bompani is part of one of the ten largest global consultancy networks, with a presence in 150 countries and a history spanning nearly 100 years. 
We are a member of Europefides - an innovative network comprising legal, tax, and administrative professionals, auditors, and advisors. This network supports the evolving needs of medium-sized enterprises, providing assistance tailored to their international development and growth processes.
Additionally, we are a partner of, established in 2008 with offices in Milan and Dubai. This partnership offers customised legal, tax, and corporate assistance to Italian investors and entrepreneurs looking to operate in the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf countries.